In a year of many unknowns, for the group of students at the SAY Detroit Play Center one thing was certain: $100,000. During Mitch Albom’s 2020 radiothon, Detroit Pistons owner, Tom Gores made his annual donation to the SAY Detroit Play Center consisting of $250,000 to the center plus an additional $100,000 for the students to inject into the City of Detroit. This pledge offered SAY Detroit students, the rare and rewarding opportunity to decide on a specific charity, or multiple charities, to donate the $100,000 to based on causes close to their hearts.
The pledge created the Community Giving Program, a five-week workshop with the SAY Detroit Play Center that focused on the gift of giving back to their community. The journey through this program was captured every step of the way from the students learning the basics of philanthropy, team bonding and brainstorming, research and ultimately working together to formulate the awards. The result is a captivating documentary showcasing not only how the students rose to the challenge, but their unique perspective on giving. Check back soon for more information about when and where to watch the documentary.

Read our students' reflections on the project in this special publication.
build the Kelly and Matthew Stafford & Friends Education Center